Name Numbers

Online Name Reading, What Name number signifies

How to Determine your Name Number

Name number is obtained by adding the numerological value given to the letters of the popular name. Our date of birth is assigned by the God according to our past karmas, it's not in our hands nor can be changed but name number is in our hands and by changing the name number, it can give u harmonious results. For e.g. Ram Singh

R A M   S I N G H
2 1 4   3 1 5 3 5

So the total will be as 2+1+4 for RAM = 7
3+1+5+3+5 for SINGH= 17
TOTAL is 7+17 = 24 (2+4) = 6

So, the final name number for Ram Singh is 6.

The name number plays a key role in one's social life and marriage. This is the reason it was popular to add the family name to the maiden's name after marriage. Name number should match with the psychic number of an individual to give positive and harmonious results. If the name number doesn't match then it may create difficulties and obstacles in different aspects. Harmony between the name number, psychic number and Name number is important to create a good environment and achieve success in life. The first letter of one's full name has more influence then any other letter in the name.

Name Number 1

Name Number 1 People with the name number 1 are remembered for long time. It rules the brain and the mind and gives good intellectual capacity. It is associated with learning, education, and the teaching or training of others. Name number 1 facilitates progress in all areas. It is effective in the social filed. It gives great benefit to an individual in terms of fame and recognition.

Name Number 2

Name number 2 The name number 3 brings gentleness and youth. It gives you a natural power of discrimination and perception. It is a peaceful and helpful number. It is very helpful in giving fame in export import business and herbal remedy business. It makes a person emotional and sensitive too.

Name Number 3

Name number 3 The name number 3 is important for social relationships, society, brings humor, reputation and the willingness to help. It brings good fortune, fame and makes one memorable. It also gives a strong desire for peace and harmony and sensitivity. People with this name number 3 are bold, trustworthy, tolerant and fluent speakers. They are the jack of all the trades and act like masters of all trades.

Name Number 4

Name Number 4 Generally name number 4 is not a good number. As it makes a person cautious, suspicious and does not bring much success. Moreover one can take unfair advantage of you. It is advisable to change name number 4.

Name Number 5

Name Number 5 Name number 5 is a good name number It makes people progressive, fun-loving, alive popular and add positive vibrations. It gives you a broad and tolerant view upon life and will strength your spirit of comradeship. Spiritual and philosophical matters will appeal to you. It also adds strong desire for traveling. Name number 5 represents communication and is very favorable for those in the field of communication.

Name Number 6

Name Number 6 Name number 6 is ruled by the planet of affection, love and beauty. This number is beneficial for poets, artists, musicians and dancers. It imparts a friendly quality and also good for those who are interested in occult sciences and can gain magical powers. Name number 6 makes people cooperative, kind, sociable and unstable at the same time. They are easily attracted by internal and external beauty, both in human form and in nature. It gives good flow of money also.

Name Number 7

Name Number 7 Name number 7 makes you frank and outspoken with a strong desire for liberty and freedom of thought and action, as well as for maintaining personal independence. People with name number 7 are true, analytical and pioneer in their own field. They believe in occult sciences and have philosophical approaches towards life.

Name Number 8

Name Number 8 Name number 8 is a struggling number; it creates difficulties & obstacles in your way. Avoid this number. It also makes it natives feel depressed and unhappy. They have to face hardships and sometimes suffer suicidal tendencies.

Name Number 9

Name Number 9 Name number 9 is not a very good name number as it creates problems in your martial life. It makes people frank, expressive, creative and independent. It gives strong will and determination and endurance to bear the hardships and oppositions of life. It makes people work hard and leaves no time for amusement and rest. It also gives an adventure and romantic nature. People with name number 9 should practice or involve in some religious routines or chanting of mantras which is good for them.

In this section you can find

What is Name number, About Name number Numerology, How to Determine your Name Number, Calculate Name number, Online Name Reading, what Name number signifies, what Name number signifies

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